Are you ready to discover your path to Manifestation?
Clearly identify your hidden abundance blocks.
Eradicate ALL hidden abundance blocks forever, so they never hold you back again.
Reprogram your subconscious mind to allow and welcome in the abundance you crave.
Master the mindset of Intentional Manifestation by connecting with your big WHY.
Learn the exact steps for Identifying your core values and eliminating your personal blocks, negative beliefs, and self-sabotaging behaviors in regard to your health, relationships, finances, and carrier.
Follow a guided visualization to integrate Divine Light and access self-wisdom.
Learn the exact steps for Manifesting all that you desire by connecting with your big WHY.
Clear fear and take back control of your life.
Create effective and powerful strategies to finally be successful at attracting what you really desire.
Begin to do things that you dreamed of for a long time.
Activate your energetic frequency for a secure future with greater prosperity.
Become the person you always wanted to be, invincible and self-assured.
Transform all your relationships by becoming more authentic in your choices.
Finally, access the secrets to fast manifestation according to the laws of attraction principles, understanding what faith, trust, and grace really mean.
Utilize the creative field of possibilities to manifest your idyllic future with great clarity and self-confidence.
Preparation: Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, notebook, pen, a bottle of water, a big smile, and an open mind & heart.
All Times Lead To Now!
When: 4/22/2023 - 11:30 am to 4:30 pm
Where: Awakenings - 25260 La Paz Road, Laguna Hills, Ca
Register below to take advantage of the prepaid discount of $147 ($160 at the door):
I lived under this cloud of anger, hostility, and aggression.
Believe me, I tried
everything to let it go, but I couldn't or wouldn't.
Then you and I sat together and you held my hand and spoke softly to me, and "did that thing you do".
An hour later something inside me had changed so dramatically that it is sort of beyond words.
I now feel like I have sunshine in my heart. It is a natural and easy feeling. Where there was a wall of icy stone over my feelings now there is sweetness and kindness. I am transformed.
People have noticed the change. They feel a different energy coming from me.
You have a special way, a special gift. Thank you from my soul.
Grace Elizabeth
"I was suffering from anxiety and stress that influenced my mental and emotional state in a very negative way. Fabienne gave me a practical solution to help me overcome my negative feelings and deal with my past. I was under a professional therapist's care for a long while and I never felt the relief that I experienced from working with Fabienne's program."
Rob Sankner
Retired US Army Colonel & Artist
"Fabienne had been my mentor for years. I love Fabienne's spiritual approach to healing, and her unique way of coaching. She gave me the confidence to change my personal relationships and start a new carrier.
I also love her Soul Portraits providing support with a new energy of beauty and higher purpose."
Lisa Boisselle
“I was feeling stuck, scared, and concerned. I was attracting drama and felt energetically blocked.
I Immediately felt lighter and more peaceful like something shifted after Fabienne's four powerful healing sessions.
Each session created a deeper sense of connection and peace coming from her natural gifts of intuition, empathy and healing.
Since our sessions, my inner critic voice shifted into a cheerleader comforter.
The next week I closed $4000 worth of business and it is like people see who I am, are connecting to me in a very authentic way."
Kim Kasparian Business Coach
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony